Getting connected with us
As with any organization, we have a particular approach to how we communicate. This page is designed to help explain how we work to get information into your hands.
Our Website / Church Bulletin
First and foremost is our website (online) and church bulletin (handed out at our worship services). We work hard to keep these updated so that you can look around and find most of the basics of what is going on. From the website, you can see Upcoming Events, Small Groups, Volunteer Opportunities (Serve Teams), and the Church Calendar (among many other things). From the website, you can also find the link to all of online worship services (past, present, and future) that are located on our YouTube page. Notice that within each of our Worship Service Events, there are links for the online service, the scripture to be used (YouVersion Event), and a Connect Form to keep us updated.
Church Center
Once you want to actually start receiving information from us, we use Church Center to help you navigate. Once you create a sign in to register for a group or event or fill out a form, you are then included in our regular email newsletter. We promise to take this responsibility seriously and will work hard to not "spam" you, but you have the opportunity on the bottom of each of our emails to remove yourself from the group or email list you are being sent through. If you don't have email, we do our best to send out a paper version of Upcoming Events quarterly. If you want both, please let us know.
Another great tool to use is our Church Center App. The App allows you to quickly see the Online Church Directory, Events, Groups, and even provide you the ability to more easily give online. It also allows you lots of other opportunities once you start joining or even managing your own groups. It even allows you to control the information about yourself that we have access to (by editing your profile). We strongly recommend the App!
One really helpful tip to stay in the loop with upcoming events is what we call Connect Events. With these groups, you can sign up to be notified about events in defined categories: Kids Events, Teen Events, Women's Events, Men's Events, 50 and Older Events... even Everybody Events. As the events draw near, you will get an email with an option to say that you are going, not going, or don't know... or a link to a more detailed registration form. Feel free to add yourself (and take yourself off) of any group you would like and you will start getting notified.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you start getting email from us, make sure you check your junk or spam filter and tell your email provider we are safe to receive from. This will help you get the notifications you are looking for.
Another great tool to use is our Church Center App. The App allows you to quickly see the Online Church Directory, Events, Groups, and even provide you the ability to more easily give online. It also allows you lots of other opportunities once you start joining or even managing your own groups. It even allows you to control the information about yourself that we have access to (by editing your profile). We strongly recommend the App!
One really helpful tip to stay in the loop with upcoming events is what we call Connect Events. With these groups, you can sign up to be notified about events in defined categories: Kids Events, Teen Events, Women's Events, Men's Events, 50 and Older Events... even Everybody Events. As the events draw near, you will get an email with an option to say that you are going, not going, or don't know... or a link to a more detailed registration form. Feel free to add yourself (and take yourself off) of any group you would like and you will start getting notified.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you start getting email from us, make sure you check your junk or spam filter and tell your email provider we are safe to receive from. This will help you get the notifications you are looking for.
forms to make your life easier
Ministry Activity Form - Form used to make sure the office knows the Important details about your event
Connect Form - Form used to update information, share prayer requests, and to create a log in into Church Center
Funeral/Memorial Service Form - Form used to schedule a Funeral Service on our campus
Facility Request Form - Form used to schedule our facility for any non church-related group
Connect Form - Form used to update information, share prayer requests, and to create a log in into Church Center
Funeral/Memorial Service Form - Form used to schedule a Funeral Service on our campus
Facility Request Form - Form used to schedule our facility for any non church-related group
There are some additional tools available for our leaders to help them get organized. These are contained within Planning Center (the admin side of Church Center). These tools require permission to access, so if you are wanting to plan an event or start a group (etc.), reach out to our church office and we can help you get you started.
Planning Center Links
Once you are logged in to Planning Center, there are a few places to visit...
(Note: Depending on your permissions, some may not be accessible)
Planning Center Home Page - Customizable Home Page. Overview Video
People App - Place to find Information. Overview Video
Groups App - Place to Edit your Group page or Send emails to you Group. Overview Video
Calendar App - Place to add Events to the Church Calendar. Overview Video
Check-Ins App - Set up a way for people to sign in when they arrive for your event. Overview Video
Registrations App - Share information about your event and provide a way to register. Overview Video
Services App - A place to organize our Worship Services. Overview Video
Giving App - A place to organize our financial giving. Overview Video
Training Videos to Help with Planning Center
(Note: Depending on your permissions, some may not be accessible)
Planning Center Home Page - Customizable Home Page. Overview Video
People App - Place to find Information. Overview Video
Groups App - Place to Edit your Group page or Send emails to you Group. Overview Video
Calendar App - Place to add Events to the Church Calendar. Overview Video
Check-Ins App - Set up a way for people to sign in when they arrive for your event. Overview Video
Registrations App - Share information about your event and provide a way to register. Overview Video
Services App - A place to organize our Worship Services. Overview Video
Giving App - A place to organize our financial giving. Overview Video
Training Videos to Help with Planning Center