Hello Parents! As many of you know, we have been using Bible Quizzing curriculum for our Elementary Kids SundaySchool class for the last few months. Besides being a great curriculum for getting kids into the Word of God, it also allows us to participate in our district Bible Quizzing meets. For those who are not interested in being involved in the bigger Bible Quizzing world, everything stays the same… your kids are still getting great training in the Bible during Sunday School. However, we would encourage you to consider the benefits of Bible quizzing.
As a parent of kids who participated in Bible Quizzing, I think it is helpful in several ways. First of all, quizzing brings another motivation for studying and memorizing God’s Word. It’s fun! They gain a familiarity to the Bible as they study that helps them as they grow in the Lord. It also gives some parent-child time together in the Word, as they work through the workbook lessons and memory verses. And last but not least, the parents get an opportunity to get to know other parents as they share a Saturday morning together at the meets. So here is what you need to know. The first meet is November 4th in Nampa. The meet will cover the first nine lessons in the workbook, roughly Matthew 1:1-13:58. There will also be nine memory verses (one for each week) that are optional but the kids will be rewarded for their work. If the kids would like to have their own workbook, they are available for $15. Otherwise we will hand out the workbook sections each Sunday for the next week. Our hope is for the kids to come to Sunday School each week with their workbook lesson already done. Again, the kids will be rewarded for their work. During Sunday School, we plan to work through the story and memory verse together. There is a DVD that we will be using that share the memory verse set to music. If you would like to purchase that DVD (or the CD) for home use, we can order these as well. On November 3rd, we will meet for a review time and an opportunity for the kids to recite their memory verses. On quiz meet day, we will carpool over together. The kids will have an opportunity to quiz over the material that they have been studying and win ribbons and trophies. It would be fun to develop our own team t-shirts. The cost for each quiz meet is $7 which includes lunch. We will probably plan some type of social time for our group following the quiz. More information will be available soon. In addition, there are some easy ways to raise funds for the program. We have done a fundraiser dinner in the past where the main entertainment was the kids quizzing against pastors and parents. This might be something to do at the end of the season to celebrate the season and raise funds for the next season. The sky is the limit if there is interest from the parents. Optional Resources: Student Book, Studies in Matthew $15 Matthew Scripture Portion NIV $2 Matthew Bible Memory Poster $5 Bible Memory CD $8 More information on www.gokidsquiz.com including Review Question Games